Oct 29, 2021

108 Business Model Patterns That Will Help Your Business

Business Model Innovation
Business Model Pattern
by Maximilian Böger

95% of all business models innovations are based of a recombination of 108 business model patterns.

Many startups and established businesses are attempting to compete on better technology, goods, services, and pricing. They are trapped in a never ending game.

Despite this, the world's most successful businesses compete on better business models. These business models are based on patterns, which are repeatable combinations of various business model building pieces that are used to reinforce an organization's overall business model. This is the secret recipe for their success. Understanding these trends enables entrepreneurs and business executives to build stronger, more resilient companies.

What is a Pattern?

A pattern is an arrangement of numerous parts that results in a certain conclusion.

Architects, for example, adopt a pattern when they associate huge south-facing windows in a living space to bring in plenty of light. In hilly places, they may follow a different form, with wider walls and smaller windows to better retain heat during the winter. Architects repeatedly use particular patterns because they provide greater results.

A pattern in software engineering is a generic repeatable solution to a typically recurring issue in software design. A pattern is not a finalized design that can be easily translated into code. It is a description or template for solving an issue that may be applied in a variety of contexts. Patterns can help to accelerate the development process by offering tried-and-true development paradigms. Effective software design necessitates taking into account challenges that may not become apparent until later in the implementation process. Reusing patterns helps to avoid minor flaws that can lead to large difficulties and increases code readability for coders and architects who are familiar with the patterns. Patterns give generic answers that are presented in a way that does not necessitate specifics related to a specific situation. Furthermore, patterns enable developers to talk about software interactions by using well-known, well-understood terms. Over time, common patterns can be enhanced, making them more resilient than ad hoc designs.

What is a Business Model Pattern?

The same reasoning may be utilized in business. Nonetheless, business model patterns are largely underutilized today. Many businesses concentrate on one or two aspects of a company model rather than all of the building pieces and their various combinations. The most common factors they concentrate on are product, service, technology, and pricing.

Many businesses struggle with business model development. It will continue to be tough for them to create better business models. Unless they have access to a comprehensive database of business model examples or analyzes. As a result, we've created a database of business model patterns. Entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, business executives and investors may take inspiration and expand knowledge on these trends.

Excerpt of Business Model Patterns from our Database

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Check out the video for a short explanation of business model patterns.

108 Business Model Patterns you should know!

  1. 1 Asses > Multiple Businesses

  2. 1 Asset > Multiple Customer Segments

  3. Accessibility

  4. Add-On (Extras)

  5. Advertising

  6. Affiliation

  7. Aikido

  8. Auction

  9. Barter

  10. Cash Mashine

  11. Circular Economy

  12. Collaborative Consumption

  13. Collaborative Production

  14. Commision

  15. Community

  16. Complementary Offerings

  17. Convenience

  18. Cost Reduction / Affordability

  19. Crowdfunding

  20. Crowdsourcing

  21. Customer Initimacy

  22. Customer Loyality

  23. Customization

  24. Desegmented

  25. Design

  26. Digitalization

  27. Direct Selling

  28. Distribution

  29. Do-it-yourself

  30. Donation

  31. Dynamic Pricing

  32. Ease of Use

  33. E-Commerce

  34. Efficiency

  35. Emotions (Image)

  36. Experience Selling

  37. Features

  38. Fixed Prices

  39. Flate Rate

  40. Franchise

  41. Free

  42. Freemium

  43. From Fixed to Variable Costs

  44. Frugal Innovation

  45. Gamification

  46. Getting Things Done

  47. Guranteed Availability

  48. Hidden Revenue

  49. Horizontal Expertise

  50. Indirect Selling

  51. Ingredient Branding

  52. Integrator

  53. Layer Player

  54. Least Satisfied

  55. Leverage Existing Customers

  56. Licensing

  57. Lock-In

  58. Long Tail

  59. Marginal Costs

  60. Mass Customization

  61. Mass Market

  62. Most Profitable

  63. Most Satisfied

  64. Multi-Channel

  65. Multisided Platform

  66. New / Different Acitivities

  67. New / Different Links Between Activities

  68. Niche Market

  69. No Frills

  70. Non-Customers

  71. Novelty

  72. Object as Point-Of-Sale

  73. Object Self Service

  74. Open Source

  75. Orchestrator

  76. Outsourcing / Insourcing

  77. Ownership vs. Access

  78. Pay-per-Use

  79. Pay What You Want

  80. Peer-to-Peer

  81. Performance

  82. Performance-Based-Payment

  83. Price

  84. Product as a Service

  85. Prosumer

  86. Razor and Blade

  87. Rent Instead of Buy

  88. Revenue before cost

  89. Revenue Sharing

  90. Reverse Engineering

  91. Risk Reduction

  92. Sales

  93. Segemented

  94. Self-Service

  95. Sensor as a Service

  96. Service as Product

  97. Shop-in-Shop

  98. Solution Provider

  99. Sponsoring

  100. Subscription / Memebership

  101. Supermarket

  102. Sustainability

  103. Ultimate Luxury

  104. Unbundling / Bundling

  105. User Designed

  106. Vertical Integration

  107. Virtualization

  108. White Label

Our Business Model Database – Business Model Ideas

A business model that generates success is unique and dynamic. It transcends short-term profits for long-term sustainability. At Business Model Ideas, we've collected the world's largest database with hand-picked, validated business model examples defined in uber detail to reference and incorporate into your new strategy. Our team of business professionals continues to scout and analyze how successful companies and startups introduced their products or services to a target market. Every Monday, we release a new model opportunity where entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, bootstrappers, strategists, and investors can learn and win!

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