Complementary Offerings
Selling a new product or new services to core customers is one of the most commonly pursued and highest-potential growth strategies. The approach allows for first wins, is not too risky and will probably not upset others within your organization. And you could indeed be creative regarding the kind of products and services you offer. Examples: McCafé adds coffee and cake to burgers and fries. Others are cars & insurance, cars & financing, iPod & iTunes etc.
When and how to apply Complementary Offerings:
Complimentary Offering refers to a product kit or product combination sold by a Third Party that contains one or more Products sold by the Company to such Third Party and in which the products other than such Products comprise a substantial portion of the cost or value of the total product kit or product combination sold by such Third Party. For instance, a sterilization case qualifies as a Complimentary Offering when a Third Party medical device company or Orthopedic Distributor uses it to transport and deliver the Third Party's branded surgical instruments or implants to a healthcare service provider.
Complementary products are important because:
Complementary products increase sales as they are more lucrative to producers as compared to substitute goods since the demand for one results in demand for the other.
Complementary products reduce product switchovers since it maximizes brand image.
Complementary products help in reaching consumer expectations, and marketers don't need to spend a lot of time in research and analyzing. Companies producing the complementary can predict the market demand and price fluctuation, thus controlling prices effectively.
Complementary products don't need a lot of advertising and there are few barriers in terms of entry and exiting a market.
Well-known companies that use this pattern are TED and PSFK.
This Pattern is used by:

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