The term 'barter' refers to a business model in which people or organizations exchange goods or services in exchange for goods or services in kind. Without the use of money, the exchange is solely based on goods or services. While sponsorship is similar, Barter as a business model goes beyond mere promotion and financial support from third parties to incorporate a form of marketing. External partners are actively involved in the process of value creation. An example is Google, which provides free directory assistance in order to improve its voice recognition technology. Another example is the pharmaceutical industry, which provides drugs to doctors and hospitals for free in exchange for testing them on patients in clinical trials, thereby performing a critical brokerage function for pharmaceutical companies.
Barter can also be an effective tool for promoting a brand by exposing new potential customers to specific products. This strategy is frequently used in the production of infant food. Most new parents encounter these products for the first time following the birth of their child. Barter can be an excellent way to acquire and retain new customers in this situation, as offering free baby food to new parents familiarizes them with the brand.
When and how to apply Barter:
This pattern is ripe with opportunity for businesses collaborating with complementary partners. Partners can be suppliers or customers, as well as competitors, and they do not have to already be doing business together. It is also recommended to think outside the box and approach partners who are highly dissimilar, for example, suggesting that a subscription to Blacksocks be combined with Lufthansa Miles & More or with a newspaper subscription.
Well-know companie that use this pattern is Red Bull.
This Pattern is used by:

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