A feature is a distinctive trait or a special attraction.Are you offering products providing unique features? What features set you apart from competition?
When and how to apply Features:
Product features are a product's discrete areas of new and upgraded functionality that deliver value to your customers. You can think of these as little gifts. Broadly, product features can refer to capabilities, components, user interface (UI) design, and performance upgrades.
Product managers own the product roadmap and what will ultimately be built. Evaluating, defining, and prioritizing features is a large part of the role. Features may also contain other details, such as timing, status, and assignees — but generally you should have an understanding of each of these elements for any given feature:
Description: The task or action the user needs to accomplish and how the feature serves them
User challenge: The pain point or challenge experienced by the user that the feature solves for
Benefit: The benefit or value provided to the user
Goal: The broader product goals or measurable objectives that the feature ties to
Initiative: The high-level effort or theme of work that the feature aligns to
It is important to have a consistent, repeatable method for defining and describing features so you can tie each one back to a key business objective. Otherwise, you can end up with a hodgepodge assortment of new functionality and enhancements that are not delivering value.
Well-known companies that use this pattern are Nespresso and Nintendo.
This Pattern is used by:

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