Ownership vs. Access
Do customers need to buy your product or service, or can they not simply rent it from you? Think about it especially if ownership of a product does not provide additional value to your customers (e.g., because they need the product just once, irregularly or only for a short period of time). Example: people want to listen to music (access). In order to do so, they do not need to own the records.
When and how to apply Ownership vs. Acces:
Access versus Ownership refers to anything that gives you access to something without requiring you to own it. Access versus Ownership is fundamental to some of the world's largest corporations.
Netflix allows users to stream movies without owning a single DVD.
Spotify provides access to nearly all recorded music without the need to acquire thousands of records.
Airbnb provides access to vacation homes without the need to purchase a second home.
In general, you either pay a fee per use or sign up for a subscription, which is typically less expensive. Access vs. ownership gives you more options, flexibility, and the freedom that comes from not being burdened by physical objects, such as stacks of CDs and DVDs.
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