Aikido is a Japanese martial art that is practiced by blending with the attacker's movement and redirecting the attacker's force. This requires minimal physical strength due to the attacker's momentum being used against him. Aikido refers to products or services that are fundamentally different from industry standards in terms of business models. In business terms, this means that the company seeks to occupy a position diametrically opposed to that of its competitors, thereby avoiding direct confrontation. The competitor is likely to be so preoccupied with his own concerns that this new way of doing business will come as a surprise, and his previous advantages, such as superior quality or lower prices, will no longer be sufficient to compete against the new competitor's uniqueness.
We could say that the Aikido principle is a form of differentiation, but one that is extremely provocative. Differentiation factors that have been accepted as standard in an industry are eliminated and entirely new ones created. These differentiating elements are not always novel, but often originate in another industry.
When and how to apply Aikido:
The Aikido pattern is very seductive, but it requires a lot of courage. If you want to use your competitors' strengths to completely transform your business, you must think outside the box. This pattern is applicable to any industry. You must be vigilant for any indications that you are no longer on the right track. There could be several very good reasons why your competitors' way of doing things is so successful. Market checks are always necessary, but they are critical when applying Aikido.
Well-known companies that use this pattern are Refurbed and SpaceX.
This Pattern is used by:

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