Guranteed Availability
The main goal of the Guaranteed Availability business pattern, whose name speaks for itself, is to minimize the costs associated with technical machine or equipment breakdowns by ensuring near-zero downtime. Generally, lts implementation entails a Fiat Rate contract that entitles customers to all services necessary to ensure continuous product availability. This typically includes not only the provision of replacement equipment and machines, but also the provision of repair and maintenance services. Due to the high value placed on such consistent availability by customers, businesses typically develop strong long-term relationships with them.
When and how to apply Guaranteed Availability:
lf you are in an industry where availability is crucial you may want to make use of this business model pattern. The B2B context is particularly conducive to Guaranteed Availability. lf both above situations apply to you, then you can use the pattern to win big customers over the lang run and demand a hefty price premium for your service. In order to excel at this business model, you must be adept at handling unforeseen customer crises expertly.
Well-known companies that use this pattern are Netflix and AWS.
This Pattern is used by:

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