A very popular way of generating revenues is to give (advertising) customers the possibility to display some kind of marketing message regarding their own offerings as part of your product or service. So think about where you could integrate advertising without comprising the customer experience too much to generate additional revenues.
When and how to apply Advertising:
Advertising can:
Provide fundamental details such as your contact information and website address.
Increase sales by promoting your goods or service to prospective buyers.
inform clients of changes to your service, new product launches, and special deals.
Initiate a certain action, such as having customers visit your business or website, or redeem a discount coupon by a certain date.
Remind existing customers about your business Alter people's attitudes and opinions of your business
Create or construct a distinctive brand for your business Raise brand awareness
Develop a specific market niche or position
Business organisations run advertising campaigns to improve sales, build brand recognition, or introduce a new product. As an incentive for individuals to visit or call, you may wish to propose a special offer.
Nevertheless, you must determine whether your intended audience is local or regional, national or international, or a combination of these. This will affect the media type you choose. You should inquire with the media industry and other independent sources regarding their readership or audience size. Typically, data can be divided into age groups, average income, and other useful indicators.
Remember that you have a responsibility to ensure the legality, decency, honesty, and veracity of your advertising. The Advertising Standards Authority provides information regarding advertising codes.
Well-known companies that use this pattern are Tik Tok and Google.
This Pattern is used by:

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