Is there a way to generate revenues by attracting sponsors? To persuade sponsors to pay, think about providing something to them in return, such as visibility (e.g., promotions), possibility to improve image, increase customer base (e.g., sharing your customer data with sponsors based on a customer agreement), opportunity for cross-selling, etc.
When and how to apply Sponsoring:
In essence, sponsorship is a form of fixed advertising. Putting a logo on a website section or a basketball tricot is a longer-term arrangement than placing an ad.
Sponsorships are frequently sold based on the size of the audience, be it Opportunities To See (OTS), eyeballs, or in the digital world, Unique Visitors. This differs from CPC (Cost Per Click) and CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions or Displays) advertising models.
Sponsorship is still about untargeted, mass broadcasting – getting noticed by as many people as possible.
Typically, sponsorships are sold exclusively to a specific asset. This asset could be a website segment or a football jersey. It is uncommon for sponsors to rotate on that asset.
Although sponsorships can be lucrative and frequently do not necessitate complex technologies, they can present complications. Sponsorships may necessitate industry exclusivity, including for advertising sales. Therefore, a sponsor of the automotive industry may stipulate that no other (competitive) automotive advertisements may be sold on the same asset.
Well-known companies that use this pattern are Red Bull and TikTok.
This Pattern is used by:

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