Horizontal Expertise
The capacity to operate horizontally is one of an organization's most valuable assets. This happens in both business processes and across functional organizations. It usually entails being able to transfer expertise from one functional area to another within the same company. Horizontal expertise is all about being an expert in a narrow, very specific area. PayPal for example is an expert in online payment transactions and offers this services to a large range of customers.
When and how to apply Horizontal Expertise:
The capacity to work horizontally is one of a company's strongest characteristics. This happens across both business processes and functional organizations. It generally entails the ability to apply knowledge from one functional area to an adjacent area within the same business. This is known as intra-component. Replicating expertise across businesses requiring the same service requires additional skill. This is referred to as inter-component. Your company has demonstrated proficiency in both areas.
Well-known companies that use this pattern are SpaceX and Biogen.
This Pattern is used by:

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