Businesses empower customers to become producers. The consumer is incorporated into the value chain and benefits from the resulting product, while the business incurs lower manufacturing and overhead costs. Because the consumer is involved in the manufacturing process, the perceived value of the product grows.
When and how to apply Prosumer:
Prosumers are consumers who manufacture their own goods. This term is a contraction of the words producer and consumer, and it refers to the modern ability of consumers to perform steps in the production process themselves. The following are examples for illustration.
Innovative design tools that enable customers to design their own complex products without specialized training. This may result in production specifications for a manufacturer. Currently, it is feasible to design relatively straightforward products such as shoes. In the future, it may be possible for consumers to create highly complex products such as electronics and medicines.
The creation of goods and services. This may utilize preexisting frameworks or commence from scratch. For instance, a programmer who creates their own encryption software using existing libraries and then releases it as open source so that other programmers can build
Automated production at home using 3D printing and other technologies. Given a design, this will likely become so advanced in the future that anything can be produced at home in the future. For instance, an army of nanobots used in the home to manufacture whatever is required.
Well-known companies that use this pattern are Bumble and OnlyFans.
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