Instead of targeting the masses, can you achieve finer segmentation? Think about airlines: one product - flying from A to B - multiple segments: economy, premium economy, business, first class, first class in combination with private jet.
When and how to apply Segmented:
This section may require you to predict and test information such as age, gender, length of employment, etc. Consider that if your customer uses your product, they will have to give up something else (time to use the product, current product, etc.), so determine what they would be giving up and whether or not they are willing to do so. The same holds true for a startup seeking to serve other businesses, albeit with slightly different information, such as the business's industry, what your product or service would replace for it, the company's annual revenue, etc.
On the first day of operation, a startup cannot always reach all of its potential customer segments, so it is essential to determine who your most important/profitable customers will be and focus on that segment initially.
Well-known companies that use this pattern are Kickstarter and Forbes.
This Pattern is used by:

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