The Business Model of Onlinedoctor is an online platform that is integrated in the medical field of dermatological consultation. OnlineDoctor AG was founded in 2016 by the dermatologist Dr. med. E. Paul Scheidegger, by the current (as of 2021) Chairman of the Board of Directors Dr. rer. soc. HSG Tobias Wolf and Dr. oec. HSG Phillip S. F. Wustrow. In addition to St. Gallen (Switzerland), where the company was founded, there are also locations in Zurich (Switzerland) and Hamburg (Germany). The platform has been available online since 2017. With OnlineDoctor 24 GmbH, there is a subsidiary that offers the same services in Germany and Austria and in which is the sole shareholder. With the help of the expertise of more than 130 Swiss dermatologists and an entire network of more than 600 dermatologists, they make it possible for people who initially suspect a skin disease or injury to not have to go to the doctor immediately, but to have an alternative option from home in order to obtain a specialist medical opinion. Their strategy to win customers online is to present their personal side to the customer on the platform. In times of digitalisation, they have created a way to adapt to these modern times.

Onlinedoctor Business Model
St. Gallen, CHE

Hard Facts

Business Model Canvas

This canvas shows a detailed explanation of how the business model of Onlinedoctor is structured.

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Business Model Patterns

The business model patterns of Onlinedoctor help to understand the mechanics behind the business model. Furthermore you can learn more about the specific business model pattern by clicking learn more.

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SWOT Analysis

The SWOT Analysis of Onlinedoctor is about the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the companies business model. By clicking the i you can see a detailed description.

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What makes Onlinedoctor special?

This section is all about the secret sauce of the business model of Onlinedoctor. If there is any incredible information about the founding team (like how they started the business, etc.) you can learn from you can find it here!

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Marketing Insights

Last but not least in this section we analyse the marketing activities of Onlinedoctor. Which kind of marketing Onlinedoctor is doing?

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